Some unusual creatures come to life in their natural habitats…

The video is part of the ‘Tractatus logico-phileroticus’ project.
Concept/realization: Werther Germondari
Screenings: The Cinerotic™ Erotic Film Festival - A special to the International Dirty Show® Detroit, USA, February 2019; Leeds Queer IFF, UK, March 2019; Vienna Porn IFF, April 2019; Hacker Porn Film Festival, Roma, Italy, April 2019; La Boca Erotica FF, Madrid, Spain, April 2019; The 14th XPOSED International Queer FF, Berlin, Germany, May 2019; Vieni? - Catania PornFest, Italy, May 2019; Bizzarro Film Festival, Bologna, Italy, June 2019; Kinky Bizarre Bunch, Roma, Italy, June 2019; Nachtschatten BDSM IFF, Munich, Germany, June 2019; Screw the System: monochrom & PFFV present a smutty extravaganza (the Best of the Vienna Porn IFF), Orlando, Los Angeles, USA, June 2019; The Sex-Positive Festival, Zobern, Austria, August 2019; PLONS, Int. Short Documentary FF, Leeuwarden, Netherlands, October 2019; Lausanne Underground Film&Music Festival, Switzerland, October 2019; Berlin Porn FF, October 2019; Porn Night Graz, Austria, November 2019; 21° Soria IFF, Sección Cuestión de sexo, Spain, November 2019; Porny Days Film Art Festival, Zurich, Switzerland, November 2019; International Queer & Migrant Film Festival, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 2019; Fun Porn Shorts - Thalia Kino, Dresden, Germany, December 2019; Diametrale Experimental FF, Innsbruck, Austria, August 2020; Corpologie, group exhibition, OGA, Roma, October 2020; Miami New Media Fest, USA, November 2020; ‘Satyrs and Maenads’ Athens Porn Film Festival, Greece, November 2020; Stream Queer Eros & Thanatos FF, Gran Canaria, Spain, May 2021; ; Omovies LGBT FF, Napoli, Italy, December 2021; Squat Betty Avant Garde Film Night, UK, February 2022; Think Diverse, group exhibition, Tevere Art Gallery, Roma, Italy, November 2022; LGBTQIA+ FF, Toulouse, France, 2022; LA SERA HA L’ORO IN BOCCA, Serata Gallardo, Milano, Italy, February 2023; Incontri ravvicinati tra arte e cinema, Studio Campo Boario, Roma, Italy, March 2023.